Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You Might Be a Mom of a Newborn If...

You watch your dog throw up but don't clean it up until 45 minutes later because you just don't have enough hands.


Laurie said...

The first time I was alone with Lydia overnight, Stanley got sick. I feel your pain. Between newborn dirty diapers and dog diarrhea, I felt like my entire life revolved around poop.

Me said...

That's okay! Pick your battles & enjoy! Spot Shot works great for stains that are left for hours or days! :-) good luck!

Anonymous said...

This was true for me as well, except subsitute "cat" for dog, and "2 days" for 45 minutes.

Bekah said...

Oh I remember that well! I think its the dogs way of welcoming the new addition.

At least thats what I told myself.

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