Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How Do You People DO IT?!

"You people" = Parents
"Do it" = Not have raging ulcers from continually worrying about your children

I have a dog. You may have heard about him. We kind of like him.

My dog does crazy things that sometimes result in him getting hurt. And when he's in the middle of being hurt, I worry, worry, worry! He gets better and I am greatly relieved. Then he gets hurt again and I worry.

Cody's current injury is no fault of his own, however. He has a (*GROSS WORD ALERT! If you are easily disgusted don't read my description.*) bumpy, crusty, pussy, oozy owie on his back. He can't relax; he keeps whining and trying to bite it. We have an appointment with the vet tomorrow morning. He's been eating, drinking, peeing, and pooping regularly so I know it's not life threatening and he's JUST FINE. But still. I worry.

So. Again. How do you people do it?! I have a dog with an owie on his back and I'm a wreck. What will I be like with a kid that needs to be taken to the emergency room?

Pray for me.


Crista said...

I know what you mean. We have dealt with diabetes (2 shots a day), choking, and seizures with our pets. It is tough when those big eyes look to you for help. I can't imagine how much harder it will be when my child gets hurt. I hope Cody feels better soon!

Amber said...

Haha, I'm the same way about my dogs! Pretty funny how they become our 'babies' in the absence of the two-legged variety. Glad to hear he's okay though. :)