Saturday, August 16, 2008

We are using our "ask the audience" lifeline

St. Joseph has arrived, in all of his nude-colored plastic glory. Included with the statue is a card explaining the history of this tradition as well as some hints as to where to bury it. Here's what it tells us.

Some common burial positions are:

Upside down
Right side up
In the rear yard
In the front yard
Simply place on the property
Facing the house
Facing away from the house
3 ' from the rear of the house
Exactly 12" deep

Well. That was helpful.

Please help us decide where to place St. Joseph!
* The most popular answer will determine where he will be buried, so this is serious business.


Kelsey said...

My parents used this method to sell the Clearwater Lake house that had been on the market for 2.5 years. St. Joe went in the front yard, upside down in the garden. The house sold a month later. (But then was hit by a tornado after the purchase agreement was signed--not sure how to intepret that one!)

Anonymous said...

You are nuts. I mean nuts=) If I remember right, from all of my Catholic upbringing, St. Joe was the patron saint of workers? Who knows, it's been awhile. Ok, how about this...I'll be praying for your house to sell. Jesus usually does a much better job with these matters than Joe=)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Upside down, facing your house! My friend bought one for me when our house had already been on the market about a month. She buried it upside down, facing the house, down by the street, next to the mailbox. We had an offer about 2 weeks later. Don't know if that had anything to do with it, but now he sits on my kitchen windowsill and I chat with him while I am doing dishes.